
3 Poker Moves to Try in Low Stakes Games

The low stakes are not easy to win as they used to be. Even beginners have a better idea of how to play and avoid silly mistakes. That’s why it’s important to mix it up, find new moves and ways to exploit the typical low stakes players. In this post, we’re going to share a three poker moves you can try to beat the low stakes games online.

1) Isolate the flat caller

The low stakes games are filled with players that like to flat call before the flop. This is commonly accepted to be a weak poker play. You are basically trying to connect to the flop cheaply and not even try to contest it pre-flop. To exploit this weakness, we can try an isolation raise.

This is where we isolate the flat caller and hopefully take the pot now or play it post-flop heads up. By getting them heads up we are thinning the field and have an increased chance of winning it later in the hand. If you are unsure of what hands to do this with, setup a poker spreadsheet with all the possible hand combinations and choose the ones you are comfortable playing.

2) Check-raise dry flops against regulars

Most regulars are playing on autopilot and not giving their tables enough attention. If you watch them, you’ll notice most of them are betting the flop too often heads up. This is known as a c-bet. To exploit this tendency, we can try some check-raises on the flop to win the pot. It is best to do this on dry flops where they are unlikely to have top pair or better. A board that is connected is more likely to result in them continuing with combinations of pair and straight draws or flush draws.

3) The button min raise

You should already know that the button is the place where we make most money. We are last to act every round and will have more information than our opponents. But, have you considered open min raising from the button? This is more likely to elicit calls from the blinds and thus, more pots to play in position. This is especially true in tournaments where players defend their blinds to tiny raises. By opting for a min raise, we get to play more hands in position. This is a good for us, even if we hold a wider range. Remember, position is power.

Image Source: Freepik